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Ranger Detail Technologies

Our signature transkit is the LA County Paramedic Wagon conversion kit that lets you take any pick-up truck kit, including the recent Dodge 100, and create a super accurate model of any Squad from about 1970 through about 1997. This includes SQUAD 51 from the TV show EMERGENCY!  or any variety of real Paramedic Squads from that time. We include over 130 parts, decals for an array of Squads including Squad 51, and provide a complete set of detailed instructions.

We are Ranger Detail Technologies and we specialize in detailing part and transkits for the model car and truck modelers who have a special interest in Emergency Vehicles. If you want to learn how to scratchbuild and superdetail your models, our SKILLS BUILDER kits are designed to help you understand the process, learn the tricks and gain the skills you need while building some pretty awesome models!

Take a look at what we have below. We have a merchandising website where you can buy our products at and

we accept PayPal and all major credit cards. Yes, we do ship worldwide as well!  So Take a look!  Life is a scratchbuilding project, so Build ON and Build BOLDLY!


$99.95 plus shipping